NOTE: The following two databases are available inside the library only:
This library edition contains census, marriage, birth, death records, and more.
World Cat via OCLC First Search
A catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Funding for WorldCat is provided by the Rochester Regional Library Council through a grant from the New York State Education Department.
The 30-plus databases below are available via your personal Internet devices and inside BML. When outside the library, you may be prompted for your library card number.
Business Resources
AtoZ Databases
Includes 2.3 million job listings, 30 million business and executive profiles, 1.1 million healthcare professionals, and much more. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more.
To use on a desktop computer INSIDE the library click here
To use on a mobile device (or any device when not in the library) click here and enter your information.
You will be directed to a page that will ask you to scroll down to the bottom and select "AtoZdatabases."
Company profiles, rankings, market share information, investment reports, company histories, industry profiles, and periodicals. Provided through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.
Trusted and reliable source to track market development and manage investments with ratings and analysis. This database is authorized for one user at a time. If you fail to connect, please try again later.
*For access outside of the library click here.
*This database is authorized for one user at a time. If you fail to connect, please try again later.
Value Line provides financial research and analysis of 3,400 large, mid, and small cap stocks using its proprietary ranking systems. Access financial data, news, and analysis by experts along with interactive compare and contrast tools to assess potential profit and risks to help you make wise investments for your future. “Timelines” let you know which companies might be worth buying now, and individual analyst reports of the companies you might be interested in following are downloadable.
Get product ratings and reviews, in-depth advice, tips and trends, recommendations, and buying advice for thousands of products and services.
Practice sample permit and driver’s license tests for NY State.
Legal Forms for NY State from NuWav
Find legal documents that meet the needs of the everyday citizen, customized for NY State. Easily compose documents in categories like business, contracts, landlord/tenant disputes, divorce, and more. *Brighton Memorial Library provides these forms of service to our patrons and believes them to be valid; however, the library does not accept responsibility for any actions resulting from their use. Legal advice should be provided by a certified legal professional.
NoveList Plus
Discover what to read next. With information on more than 250,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles, plus feature content, lists of award-winning books, book discussion guides, book talks, recommended reads, and more, NoveList Plus is a complete reader's resource.
A fun and free way to learn any of 80 languages with self-directed lessons, live teachers, movies, music, and more.
Black Freedom Struggle Website
Historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence, and more from specific time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom.
Completely searchable Rochester Democrat & Chronicle newspapers from 1871- current month, as well as other historical newspapers from the northeastern U.S.
HeritageQuest Online™
A powerful and popular genealogical resource that includes the Federal Censuses, more than 25,000 family and local histories, bank and military records, and genealogical and local history sources.
NY State Historic Newspapers
Includes variety of newspapers published in the Rochester Region, including The Brighton-Pittsford Post and ones from Brockport, Canandaigua, Fairport, and Geneva, covering the period from 1806-1987.
Northeast Region Historical Newspapers
Completely searchable Rochester Democrat & Chronicle newspapers from 1871-2011, and the Ithaca Journal, Elmira Star-Gazette, Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin, and others from NY, NJ, VT & PA
Articles covering the history of Rochester and Western New York from 1939-present.
More than 22,000 historical and contemporary images from Rochester and Monroe County.
Health Reference Center Academic
This health database includes more than 2,800 journals and magazines, many of which are full text. It contains nursing and allied health journals, other medical journals, newsletters, and consumer health magazines. Provided through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.
A health information website for patients, their families and friends, and the general public. It contains carefully selected links to online resources with authoritative health information on a broad range of health topics. A service of the National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes of Health.
News & Research
Academic OneFile
Contains more than 12,000 journals and reference sources, many of which are peer-reviewed and full text.
It offers an extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature, and more. The database also contains some full text titles that are cited in databases, such as AGRICOLA, CINAHL, EconLit, ERIC, MEDLINE, MLA International Bibliography, and PsycINFO. Provided through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.
Encyclopedia Britannica Academic
The world’s most trusted reference resource. Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images.
This general periodical database contains more than 12,000 periodicals, newspapers, reference books, and multimedia sources, over half of which are full text. The back file extends nearly 30 years. Subjects include humanities, education, environmental issues, technology, health care, politics, and more. Provided through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.
A freely accessible research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment. Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect ecology.
More than 2,000 full-text newspapers. Current, cover-to-cover coverage of major national and international papers including The New York Times, London Times, Toronto Star, and selective and archival coverage of many others. Provided through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.
The New York Times
A searchable full-text database.
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
Covers today’s hottest social issues bringing together all the information that’s needed to fully understand an issue, including pro and con viewpoint articles, primary source documents, and government and organizational statistics.
Learning Resources
Encyclopedia Britannica School
An up-to-date and age-appropriate information resource for elementary, middle, and high school students. Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research and reinforce curriculum standards.
Developed especially for beginning researchers in kindergarten through grade five. Featuring a developmentally appropriate, visually graphic interface, the most popular search method is moving from a broad subject to a narrower topic using the subject-based topic tree. The curriculum-related, age appropriate, full-text content is from the best elementary reference sources and magazines. It covers geography, current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports, and more. Provided through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.
Resource for students in grades six to eight. Offers magazines, newspapers, primary sources, over 12,000 videos, and more on a variety of topics. Supports national and state curriculum standards in language arts, social studies, and science.
Explore over 25,000 top-rated courses in the areas of business, tech, and personal development across 75+ different categories.
World Book Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
La Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos está organizada de modo que los estudiantes puedan encontrar información rápida y fácilmente. Pulse en la primera letra del título del artículo para ver el artículo. ly
World Book Kids
Designed especially for younger users, English-language learners, and reluctant readers. The site offers simple navigation, easy-to-read content, bright colors, and a graphical design. Includes thousands of colorful illustrations, diagrams, and maps, including printable activity worksheets for use in the classroom or at home.
World Book Student
Tailored for students in elementary and middle schools, World Book Student includes all the articles from the print versions of the World Book Encyclopedia, plus thousands of additional articles, learning resources, and research tools. World Book Student is also optimized for tablets for the ultimate mobile research experience.
Doing Research at BML
Both Adult and Children's Information Desks are continuously staffed when we are open. If you need research assistance, a book recommendation, or help logging onto the Internet, our librarians can help. Call (585) 784-5300, then choose option #2 to reach a Reference Librarian.
Find articles or download information using the databases listed below.